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三里屯盈科极扬站TAKE 5 文创潮玩 零售直播店室内设计 | 中国 北京

三里屯盈科极扬站TAKE 5 文创潮玩 零售直播店室内设计 | 中国 北京

Commercial SI & Interior Design | Retail Shop
商业SI与室内设计 | 零售店

Take 5 @ Sanlitun Pacific Century Place


2020 China Beijing
2020 中国 北京

This exciting project was centred around the creation of a retail space that would offer a carefully curated selection of trendy and desirable goods. In order to develop a design concept that would truly resonate with our target audience, we took inspiration from the world of patisserie - a place that can evoke strong emotions and feelings of indulgence and pleasure.


Just as a visit to a patisserie can lift one's mood and sweeten their day, we wanted to create a retail experience that would have a similar effect. We wanted to ensure that our trendy goods would not just be products, but something that would add value to our customers' lives. Therefore, we crafted a design that would evoke the same feelings of anticipation and excitement that one might feel when visiting a patisserie.







