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Submit your application by answering an online survey


* 完成问卷后请发通知邮件到andlab_job@qq.com.邮件标题注明申请人姓名及申请职位。


*After completing the online survey, you can send your portfolio to andlab_job@qq.com with your name and applying position in the email title. Please be informed that ALL email applications without going through the online survey system WILL NOT be reviewed.

Currently, recruiting the following positions:


建筑师 Architect(长期有效)

Location 地点: Beijing 北京


职务 Responsibilities

  • 主创指导下完成概念及深化图纸设计
  • Report to Design Principal
  • 犀牛设计建模
  • Design in Rhino
  • 熟悉Grasshopper者优先
  • Knowledge in Grasshopper is preferred
  • 熟悉其他编程语言者优先
  • Knowledge in programming is preferred
  • 深化设计和施工图纸绘制
  • Able to complete Design Development
  • 协调材料商并建议材料
  • Liaise with material suppliers
  • 到现场巡场跟进
  • Site inspection
  • 建筑与城市空间课题研究
  • Research in architecture and urban space
  • 制作手工模型
  • Model making

能力要求 Requirements

  • 建筑学/城市规划本科以上学历
  • Bachelor or above in architecture / urban planning / interior
  • 有诗意,对日本设计有了解
  • Poetic & understand Japanese design
  • 热爱设计与建筑,对工作认真负责
  • Passionate towards design and architecture and responsible towards work
  • 有学习精神,对没见过的事物接受度大
  • Actively learning and open-minded
  • 非常熟悉CAD,犀牛,Grasshopper, Lumion等软件
  • Excellent skill in cad, Rhino, Grasshopper and Lumion
  • 具有一定英语能力者、有外企工作或海外留学工作经验者优先。
  • English ability, working experience in foreign firms or overseas study experience is preferred


室内设计师 Interior Designer

Location 地点: Beijing 北京


职务 Responsibilities

  • 主创指导下完成概念及深化图纸设计
  • Report to Design Principal
  • 犀牛设计建模
  • Design in Rhino
  • 熟悉Grasshopper者优先
  • Knowledge in Grasshopper is preferred
  • 熟悉其他编程语言者优先
  • Knowledge in programming is preferred
  • 深化设计和施工图纸绘制
  • Able to complete Design Development
  • 协调材料商并建议材料
  • Liaise with material suppliers
  • 到现场巡场跟进
  • Site inspection
  • 制作手工模型
  • Model making


能力要求 Requirements

  • 室内设计本科以上学历
  • Bachelor or above in architecture / urban planning / interior
  • 有诗意,对日本设计有了解
  • Poetic & understand Japanese design
  • 热爱设计与建筑,对工作认真负责
  • Passionate towards design and architecture and responsible towards work
  • 有学习精神,对没见过的事物接受度大
  • Actively learning and open-minded
  • 非常熟悉CAD,犀牛,Grasshopper, Lumion等软件
  • Excellent skill in cad, Rhino, Grasshopper and Lumion
  • 具有一定英语能力者、有外企工作或海外留学工作经验者优先。
  • English ability, working experience in foreign firms or overseas study experience is preferred


互动装置编程设计师 Interactive Programmer / Designer

Location 地点: Beijing 北京


职务 Responsibilities

  • 主持建筑师指导下完成设计 Report to Design Principal
  • 参与概念设计 Involve in Schematic design
  • 制作互动式机械装置 Making of interactive mechanical installation
  • 制作装置手工模型Making of installation prototype model
  • 独立完成深化设计 Able to complete Design Development independently

能力要求 Requirements

  • 对设计,建筑,机械等有兴趣的科技宅男宅女
  • Maker who possesses great interest towards design, architecture and mechanics.
  • 热爱设计与建筑,对工作认真负责
  • Passionate towards design and architecture and responsible towards work
  • 有诗意,对日本设计有了解
  • Poetic & understand Japanese design
  • 强的实践经验
  • Strong Execution Ability
  • 有学习精神,对没见过的事物接受度大 Actively learning and open-minded
  • 注意细节 Attention to details
  • 非常熟悉犀牛,Grasshopper, Python, Arduino等软件 Excellent skill in Rhino, Grasshopper, Python and Arduino
  • 具有Unity, AR, VR等技术优先 Having skills in Unity, AR and VR is preferred too.


新媒体营销助理(全职/实习生)Media Relations Assistant (Full-time/intern)

Location 地点: Beijing 北京


职务 Responsibilities

  • 负责公司网站的维护与更新
  • Responsible for company homepage’s maintenance and update
  • 负责加工制作材料用在公司的各大平台新媒体账号
  • Responsible for the process and produce materials for company’s social media account
  • 负责撰写宣传文案、向国内外媒体投稿.
  • Responsible for writing and submitting articles for domestic and overseas media.
  • 负责准备项目用于发布的资料,更新整理作品集
  • Responsible for preparing project materials for publish use as well as updating and organizing company portfolio.
  • 负责监控平台推广效果与策略;
  • Keep track of company’s marketing campaign result and marketing strategy
  • 负责制作与编辑视频
  • Responsible for making and editing of videos

能力要求 Requirements

  • 市场营销或建筑室内设计等相关专业本科;
  • Bachelor in marketing / architecture / interior
  • 优秀的内容撰写及策划能力,文案思路清晰,能捕捉项目的设计逻辑与亮点。
  • Excellent writing and strategizing skill, able to understand project’s design strategy and highlight.
  • 理解数字营销策略、又对建筑、设计与艺术有浓厚兴趣,并对建筑史或美术史有基础认识
  • Understand digital marketing strategy, while having strong interest in architecture, design and art as well as having some foundation in history of architecture and art.
  • 拒绝浮夸的中文表达方式,对文字敏感,擅长简单但生动易读的文笔。
  • 如有英语翻译能力更佳。
  • Sensitive to phrasing, excellent writing skill with no artsy-fartsy words.
  • 熟悉微信公众号,视频号等自媒体发布,编辑等工作
  • Familiar with publishing and editing process in most digital media platforms
  • 熟悉与杂志媒体沟通投稿等流程
  • Familiar with article submission process for media
  • 拥有视觉传达表现力,熟练使用相关软件如PS、AI、ID等
  • Strong visual communication skill, familiar with software like PS, AI, ID etc.
  • 有国际视野或设计事务所工作经验者优先。
  • International exposure or working experience in design atelier is preferred.


Architectural / Interior Design Intern 建筑或室内设计实习生(多名,且长期有效)

Location 地点: Beijing 北京

  • 您会参与的项目类型 Involvement
  • 目前公司的项目 Ongoing projects
  • 对篠原一男的建筑进行研究 Research Shinohara Kazuo’s space
  • 对城市特征进行研究 Research on urban spaces


职务 Responsibilities

  • 做研究 Research
  • 制作手工研究模型 Making study model
  • 犀牛建模 Model in Rhino
  • 研究类型学并制作分析图 Making typology diagram
  • 绘图 Drawing in cad


能力要求 Requirements

  • 建筑学或室内建筑科的本科生或研究生
  • Bachelor or above in architecture / urban planning / interior
  • 主动,创新,愿意动手做,愿意学习
  • Pro-active, creative, willing to do manual work and learn
  • 能有效地使用CAD,犀牛和PS
  • Excellent skill in cad, Rhino, Photoshop
  • 具有一定英语能力者、有外企工作或海外留学工作经验者优先。English ability, working experience in foreign firms or overseas study experience is preferred

